This was a painting I did of my studio as seen from the dining room.
8x10 oil on canvas panel
18x24 oil on canvas
18x24 oil on canvas
18x24 oil on canvas
18x24 oil on canvas
18x24 oil on canvas
oil on 16” diameter round canvas
11x14 charcoal on Roma Paper
11x14 oil on canvas
Being in the military is one of those things that never really leave a person.
18x24 oil on canvas
3’x4’ oil on canvas
24” x 48”
18x24 oil on canvas
charcoal and chalk on toned Roma paper 12x24
18x24 oil on black canvas
11x14 oil on canvas
11x14 charcoal on paper
11x14 oil on panel
Starting from the first grade I thought of myself as an Artist, and I’ve always tried different approaches to Art. I like to build on things and to kinda change something a bit to give it a new look. This is a few of the other mediums I like to use. Several of the paintings here are a collaboration between myself and the very skilled Sherri Voxx.
This was one of the first projects I had with Sherri Voxx, where she would create acrylic pour painting and I would go over it with oil to pull some image from it.
Cooks Tavern at 3201 N 26th st Tacoma WA 98407 changes their menu every few months to introduce a new theme from a different part of the world. They give local artists the surface to paint on with ideas they’re looking for and the artists create art that reflects the culture of that area. Any sales that are made 100% of the sale goes to the artist or if it’s not sold the artist still gets to keep the painting. It’s a great gig.
ArtBatte practice paintings